
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Weekly Date

Every Wednesday while Daddy and his band are practicing we get to go out with Papa and Nana for dinner. Since, baseball is starting soon and Papa has had lots of meetings we had to change our nights the past couple of weeks to Tuesday...which meant Daddy got to come too!

I love Nana!


Juliana said...

Oh she is so cute. My son is 2O months, I wish they could play together. I just found your blog-YAY ME

Oh... I am a new follower. Please come follow back if you would like. I am doing some great giveaways right now (ipod nano and itunes giftcard) and have some great ones coming up! Nice to meet you!

Unknown said...

She looks so big with her hair like that!!! What was she doing with her hands? (She looks like my niece did when she'd sing the "beaver song"...)