
Monday, November 14, 2011

Bruce at 6 Months!

Bruce you are 6 months old!!

Weight: 16.5 lbs

Height: 24 inches long!

Size Clothes: mostly 9 months and size 2 diapers althought I think you are about to be in 3

You are such a joy to be around! You love to smile and laugh. You love your sister and she loves you!

6 fun facts about you:

1. Tummy Sleeper

2. Favorite toy is your Sophie Giraffe

3. You love to grab your toes and if you have socks on you try to get them off as fast as possible

4. The bouncy seat has become a favorite for all of us...watching you bounce and squel makes us laugh so much!

5. You still only have 2 teeth but man you are drooling like crazy!

6. You roll all over the place and are scooting is only a matter of time before you start crawling!

Some names we call you:

Brucey, Handsome, Bubba, B-Man, and Brother!

We love you so much and can't wait to see what the next 6 months bring!

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