
Thursday, November 17, 2011


6 years ago I said the most important thing in my life "YES!" I can't believe it's been 6 years since Andy asked me to be his bride! What a ride we have been on!
So in honor of our Engagement Anniversary I thought I would list 6 reason why I love my man! (yes there are plenty more)
1. He is my biggest supporter (even when it means telling me to sit down so I don't get a Technical!)
2. He is a coaches Wife (I mean Husband :)) He comes to most of my games and with 2 kids in tow!
3. He is the best Daddy! He changes diapers, washes bottles, wakes up at night, plays with them for hours, gives them baths, but most of all he is leading them in a Godly way and showing them Jesus' love even when it is hard!
4. He loves to dance and sing loud in public! The kids are going to be very embarrassed one day...and I can't wait!
5. He still opens my car door for me and gives me a kiss when I leave, when I get home, and every night before bed!
6. He is Godly and leads our family as a Man of Faith should!

Babe- We have been through a lot in the past 6 years. I wonder what we would have thought if someone had told us what 6 years down the road what it would look like. Thank you for loving me through it all! I love you more than words can express

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