
Thursday, December 8, 2011

29 years!

I can't believe I am one year away from 30! I have a special 30 before 30 coming tomorrow! But first I want to take a look back at my 20's!

20 years old - Started Dating Andy

21 years old - Went to Germany, Broke up with Andy, Moved in with 2 beautiful girls!

22 years old - Got back together with Andy, Got engaged to Andy, Worked as an intern at the BSM, finishing college

23 years old - GOT MARRIED!, graduated college, became an Aunt, got my first real job

24 years old - Helped start a church, loved newly wed life, started thinking about a family :)

25 years old - Found out pregnant (shocked us all!), bought our first house, became a Mom to a beautiful daughter!

26 years old - Welcomed a new bro-in-law into our family (Rob Crowl), enjoyed being a new Mom, loved life!

27 years old - Welcomed another new bro-in-law (Daryl Amos), found out I was pregnant again, Andy started grad school

28 years old - Became a Mom to a beautiful son, became an Aunt to a nephew, felt God answer so many prayers and learned what true love and friendship was after spending time in the hospital with Bruce


For one I get to welcome a new sister in law which I am so excited about!

Another year of life brings so many new adventures and I am so ready!

I am truly blessed and have amazing family and friends! Thank you for already making today special!

And just for fun...our morning consisted of this...

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