
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Papa's Birthday

Today is my Dad's birthday. The big 55! So Savannah and I decided to go have lunch with him at school.

Our day started out early with Savannah not feeling great so Andy go up at 4 am with her to feed her and didn't come back to bed. Our plan was to leave the house around 10:45 and head to Lake Travis. However, Andy called at 9 9:30 and he had spilled coke on his khaki pants and he needed some new pants. To my amazement I was able to get ready and be in the car within 30 minutes. So Savannah and I arrived at Hudson Bend and she began to scream because she was hungry. So 45 minutes later we were back in the car heading to Lake Travis. Well, Papa was ready for us and I think we met everyone at Lake Travis High School! He was wearing the shirt that we had made which said "Addisyn and Savannah's Papa." He toted Savannah around to meet teachers, administrators, secretaries, and maintence. He's not proud or anything! After meeting about 30 people we finally went and had lunch. I then decided since I was over by my school we would go say hi to my girls. They were so excited and thought she was the cutest thing. (Don't worry...I made them stay far away from her just in case they were sick)

Savannah was a real trooper and only cried once when she was hungry. I continue to be impressed with how good of a baby she is!

Again we just want to wish Papa/Daddy/Coach a HAPPY 55th BIRTHDAY!!! Congrats you can finally get a senior discount :)

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Savannah is sleeping very well lately. She has many ways of sleeping. Here are some fun pictures of her sleeping habits!

Don't take a Picture of me mom!

Just Thinking!

I love sleeping with my Daddy!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Aunt Randi visit!

Today Aunt Randi came into town to see Savannah! We are all so excited. We plan to just hang out and have fun with Savannah...she is getting so strong. Already holding her head up and she tries to roll to her right some. My baby is a genius!!!
Daddy is a little sick so we are trying to keep him away from her face but you know how that goes.

Although Savannah's parents aren't die hard fans of a particular college...some people in our family are so here are some pictures of Savannah in her different outfits!
This is for the Harvey family
I love my cousin William.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Doctor Visit

Today Savannah and I went in for her two week check up. The doctor was very impressed with how strong she is. She holds her head up when you put her on your shoulder and she has quite the grip. Over all she looked really good...her eye has cleared up and her umblical cord is completely gone. She now weighs 8lbs 3 ounces which means in a week she has gained about 5-6 ounces. She is eating like crazy! Today she also had to get her PKU test which is where they prick her foot and draw blood. Needless to say both mom and baby were crying by the end of it. I can't stand to hear her cry like that. I told Andy that when it was time for her shots he is going with me!

On another note today Andy's department of teachers is throwing us a shower so we are looking forward to that. And this weekend Aunt Randi is coming to see Savannah so we are all very excited. We will post pictures once she is here!

I am learning so many things about Savannah and being a mom. Andy and I are also learning that "our" time is on hold for a while. Which is a little hard but I think we are going to try to go out to eat just the two of us next week. For now I love the moments when he gets home and he holds Savannah and sits next to me to talk. I am truly blessed by my husband and he is a great dad! But he did learn from one of the best!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Friday, September 19, 2008

Everthing is BIGGER in Texas

You know wht they say everything is BIGGER in Texas! A friend stopped by yesterday with four bows for Savannah. Needless to say Daddy is not a fan! But I thought I would at least post a picture!

On another note Savannah's eye looks much better today. Also last night her umbilical cord fell off. We are looking forward to Andy bing home all day tomorrow!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Eye infection

So Savannah is a week old and that brought a challenge for Andy and I. Yesterday I noticed that her right eye was watering and had a little bit of green stuff coming out of it. Not really thinking anything of it I washed her eye and her hands and did that a couple times during the day.
But by last night I was in it emotions or whatever but something was wrong with my baby! Andy told me that in the morning we would call the doctor and we would figure it out.
When Savannah's 2 am feeding came I got up like any other time and prepared her bottle and picked her up. Only this time when I picked her up her eye was covered in green stuff and she couldn't open her eye. I cleaned it up, feed her, and then put her back to sleep. She didn't sleep that well last night which we think has to do with her eye.

So this morning I called the Savannah's doctor and she called in an ointment for her eye. She told me everything was okay as long as she wasn't running a fever and the area around her eye wasn't hot. So the plan is apply the ointment three times a day and use warm compresses to her eye. The doctor told me that she should seem much better by Saturday...if it's not we will go from there.

Pray that her little eye heals and that nothing else is wrong.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

One week old

Wow! I can't even believe that one week ago I was going through labor and hadn't even met our sweet girl! It's so surreal when I say I can't imagine anything without her.

We are trying to get in a routine but like any baby she has her moments. I told Andy that yesterday was really the first time
I had heard her cry...she was trying to eat and go number 2. As you can imagine it doesn't work so great!

Andy has been at work this week so when he gets
home it is all about Savannah. He comes in and
feeds her (which happens to be the best time
because she is looking at you with her big blue eyes) and then she goes to sleep on his chest.

I love being a mom and wouldn't change it for the world!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Doctor Visit

Today we went to the doctor for the first time. Savannah is doing great! The doctor said she is in the 69% of her weight and the 90% of height. I was so excited because she didn't have to get any shots...I was told that she wouldn't get any shots until she is 2 months.

It is hard to believe that tomorrow she will be 1 week old. She is such a great baby and we are so blessed. She is sleeping in about 3-4 hour intervals and eating very well. We are starting to get some smiles but I think it might just be due to gas but I still love them!

Monday, September 15, 2008

God is good!

Well today brings Andy back to work. I am excited and a little nervous about being home by myself with Savannah! We are slowly getting used to the fact that our sleep will never be the same but God is so good! Last night Savannah ate around 10:00 pm and then we all went to sleep. She woke again at 2 and at 6 for her bottle but slept around her feedings. We actually slept as well!
A couple of things I have learned in 5 short days!
1. My heart and Andy's heart are wrapped around her little finger!
2. Crying just means I am hungry or get this diaper off of me
3. When changing Savannah's diaper make sure you have something under her...she likes to use the restroom right when you change her diaper :)
4. Sleep won't be the same but it is so worth it!
5. My body will heal but it may hurt for a little while...after all I did push a human out of it
6. My husband is amazing and he will do anything I ask

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Our First Night

Well needless to say we didn't sleep much. We put Savannah down at about 10 pm last night and we decided to go to bed as well.
The first feeding would be the test that never ended. At 1:20 am Savannah woke up, ate, and had a diaper change. At that point I tried to get her back to sleep however that was not her plan. Screaming for 5 hours was Savannah's plan. Finally at 5:30...Andy and I were trying to figure out what to do. Andy was checking the internet and I was crying trying to take care of Savannah. When nothing worked Andy and I decided to call my dad ( my mom is out of town) Dad got here in 19 minutes and has helped us calm her down and has been here since. Andy is finally sleeping and I am about to do the same!

Friday, September 12, 2008

She is here!

Well, Andy and I are parents! I can't begin to tell you what it means to us.

Savannah Grace Harvey came into the world on September 10, 2008 at 10:02 pm. She was 7lbs. 14oz and 20 inches long.

Labor was an interesting process but it was so worth it. Let me first start by saying the women who go through it with out any medications my hat is off to them. Andy and I checked into the hospital at 5 pm on Tuesday night. After checking me out and everything they put the cervidal in and told us to try and get some sleep. They would be back in at 6:30 the next morning to start inducing labor. Well, about every two hours or so I had to go to the bathroom so Andy and I didn't get much sleep that night.

September 10th started at 5:30 when my parents came up to the hospital. Around 7:00 the nurses started my pitocin and we were just going to begin the process. Around 10 am or so I was starting to feel the contractions so I decided to go ahead and call the Doctor because there were a lot of women in labor.

Funny thing about my body and doesn't like them! The first epidural started around 11 am or so. (side note: it isn't that bad getting one) I was told that around 11:30 I should be numb and feeling good. Well not so much I developed a hot spot which is where everything but one area gets numb. So at around 2pm they decided to take that one out and put in another one. This worked great and at 5 pm I was 8 cm. About 30 or 45 minutes later I began to feel more pain again. This time is was longer and hurt like crap! Andy got all of the family out of the room and the nurses and doctors gave me more meds. For about 45 minutes they watched me cry, scream, sweat, etc and finally asked me to sit up. Needless to say the epidural had fallen out! So there I was at 10 cm and feeling every bit of it! Well you know they do say third time is a charm and it was! I got the third epidural and felt so good. I pushed for about 30 minutes and then came our beautiful girl!

By the way she has Andy's hair!

How can people not believe in a GOD!!!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

The plan

Okay...finally a plan! I am finally dialated which means we are going to try an induction. Andy and I report to the hospital tomorrow at 5 pm to start the induction. Hopefully if all goes well we will have Savannah sometime on Wednesday. (I really don't want a 9-11 baby)
A couple of things could happen...I could start labor tonight or tomorrow and not have to be induced or the induction could not work and that would result in a c-section.

Thank you so much for your continual prayers and support. Please pray that Savannah and I are healthy and everything goes well. Also, please pray for Andy's parents. They are on their way from Alabama right now and we need Ike to come towards Texas not Alabama or Flordia.


Thursday, September 4, 2008

Doctor Visit

Still no change. Go to my doctor on Monday at 7:30 am. At that point we will talk about a c-section for Tuesday. Please continue to pray that Savannah makes her appearance this weekend naturally.

This is a picture of Amy and I at the Bat fest on Saturday. As you can see I am ready to pop!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Due date here...Due date gone!

As Aunt Amy says "I was two weeks late and I have been late ever since."
Maybe Savannah is telling us that she is not going to be like Mommy and want to be 10 minutes early to everything! Last night as I was praying God filled me with as much peace as He could over all of this. I know that in less than a week I will be a Mom no matter what. right now the most important thing for us is that we are both healthy!
Savannah has been tricking me some just by moving and having some fun in my belly. I have told Andy over 100 times maybe this is a contraction. He is starting to think I am crying wolf...but I keep reminding him you don't know what it is like to be pregnant! For the most part I have felt good, Uncomfortable, but good none the less. Today is my last day at school and I go back to the doctor tomorrow morning.

One last note: please pray for the tropical storms to stay clear of the gulf. The Harvey's live in Mobile and Randi in Pensacola and I want them to be able to experience this wonderful time without wondering about the storms that are enjoying the ocean!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Due date tomorrow

Well Savannah seems to be very content in staying in my belly! Although it has been a struggle for me I am trying to remember that God is in control and when she gets here it will all be worth it.
At this time it is looking like we will have a c-section on September 9th which is a week from tomorrow. On Friday Andy and I had another scare...I hadn't felt Savannah move in over 12 hours so we headed to the hospital to make sure everything was okay. As it turns out she was just relaxing not doing much. However, we were able to see her on the sonogram which was very cool because we hadn't seen her since 20 weeks.
We continue to wait and pray. I will go back to the doctor Thursday morning and if Savannah hasn't come by Monday September 8th I will go to my doctor to schedule a c-section for the 9th. Please continue to pray that Savannah comes on her own before the 8th!